Absolute blank

Why Blogging

It is my belief that we all have something interesting to say. Whether you are an average Joe or a high status individual, your thoughts and opinions matter. If they didn't then why do they have the urge to socialize with friends or family? Okay so we chat with the people we love, so what? Why would I need to blog? For those that tell me that their journal is their blog I do not disagree that it isn't important. The only difference is that your written word now has an audience. Gasp! Being perceived?! This can be scary to some but let's look at the positive aspects of blogging.

First, there are no rules to blogging. Blogs serve different purposes depending on the person. For example, this blog you are reading is a personal blog that doesn't have a specific focus or target audience. I just write about whatever is interesting to me. This can range from my hobbies, beliefs, daily life, etc. Ultimately, this blog is for me to get to know, share my inner world and to better know myself throughout the process.

Second, a blog offers a different medium of communication that stretches beyond typical socially acceptable standards. Because there are no rules, you are not bound to rules found in conversation. There is no waiting for your turn to speak or even worry about the length of your response. The microphone is in your hands, the attention is fully yours. But what if I say something weird and others judge me?! True, but that happens anytime we communicate. The burden of shame should not dictate our lives as we aspire to become our authentic selves.


Third, and most importantly, it's fun! Writing shouldn't be something limited to writing a dreaded work email or 5000 word essay for school. The relationship you have with writing will determine your level of enjoyment in blogging. As mentioned earlier, there are no rules. There is no set focus or target audience. There is only freedom! Whether it's writing a personal manifesto about blogging or sharing a silly thought that made your laugh on your morning walk, let there be fun.

Fourth, and this may be controversial but it makes you a more interesting person. I’m not better than you just because I have a blog but I find it true that every time I do write in a long form format there is something new I discover about myself. I’m actively creating something for me instead of passively consuming whatever is on my phone. On this creative journey your mind ventures into paths you never knew existed. Along the way you may learn new things about your blog post topic. This can be through online research or even a conversation with a friend. No matter the path, it leads somewhere new and exciting.

Fifth, you become a better communicator. As you wrestle with writing your blog post there will inevitably reach a point of reviewing your draft. Assuming your draft is more than a couple sentences you may have to rewrite certain sections. The flow of your prose plays a substantial role in communicating your thoughts. Let me be very honest, I am not a great writer. In high school and college I would break out in hives if I wrote more than a paragraph. It was a very serious health condition and even as I write now I'm hanging on to dear life. Kidding of course. But like anything it does get easier as you continue practicing. Reading books also helps too.

Hopefully by now I've convinced you that blogging is the bees knees. Maybe you even have a blog name in mind along with some topics of interest that have been brewing for a while. Honestly, what I truly hoped for in this blog post was to inspire trust in yourself. You have something to say whether you believe it or not. Maybe blasting your thoughts into the void for others to read isn’t your cup of tea and I fully respect that. Journaling could be a great alternative for you. Either way, never stop being curious about your inner world. A blog is just one of many ways to explore your uncharted mind.